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14 подписчиков

I've Been Treating My Panic Disorder For 20 Years and — Surprise — It Hasn't Gone Away

Anxiety is weird. Unlike other maladies, like the flu or a torn meniscus in the knee, there’s no cure. There’s no beating it. I would’ve signed up for multiple surgeries if a doctor could put me under anesthesia, trim out the torn part of my brain that is responsible for sounding the alarm

Teaching at My Old High School Helped Me Grow Up and Become a Real Adult

This is the story of how I finally figured out how to be a grown-up by going back to my old high school. No, I wasn’t playing a role in some sort of real-life Never Been Kissed situation. I didn’t go undercover as a journalist and inappropriately seduce an English teacher who thought I was 17. I

IT HAPPENED TO ME: I Became Comedy Writing Partners with a Man Serving a Life Sentence at a Maximum Security Prison

It’s an exciting adventure, checking your mail in college. Usually, it was just my way to procrastinate — waste some time so I don’t have to study for a class or write a paper. It was also the perfect way to walk through my dorm and run into a friend I could persuade to get late-night food

When I Travel, Please Stop Treating Me Like a Spokesperson for Black Americans

A few weeks ago, I boarded a flight to London from Boston. At the end of April, I'd been accepted into a weeklong creative writing workshop for Black writers at the University of Oxford. For months I've struggled with not feeling like my fullest creative self, and I looked forward to this writing

I Tried 6 Side Hustles to See Which Ones Can Actually Make Me Some Extra Money

In a world where salaries are stagnant and costs of living are swelling, an extra income stream is a necessity. Whether it's something you do to pay off your credit-card debt or go out to dinner once in a while, an extra gig can fund your goals. There are 1,001 options: Sell your plasma! Sell your

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