На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)


14 подписчиков

I Was a Therapist for Teen Sex Offenders, And I Will Never Take a Job Like That Again

To be fair, they all weren't sex offenders. In fact, most hadn't been officially convicted of any crime. Little Billy* may or may not have slapped his teacher's ass; Mark* was an excessive masturbator; Tim* was suspected of inserting pieces of fruit into the anus of his classmate.It was my

How Much Do You NEED to Have in Common With Your Therapist?

Therapy changes lives. Therapy saves lives. Quality, professional therapy is a privilege in some lives and a necessity in others, and much of the potential benefit is determined by your individual practitioner.In situations where you can choose your therapist, how much do you consider what you have

From One Asian American to Others: These Are 5 Things You Need to Know About Mental Illness

I've known I was depressed since I was a young girl. Beginning in fourth grade, I would sit on my bedroom floor, stare at the wall, and have tears stream down my face. I had no idea why I felt that way, but it was comforting for me to pull my hair out. A few years later, I still sat down and

IT HAPPENED TO ME: I Cured My OCD by Tapping on My Face

Obsessive compulsive disorder: it's something I rarely talk about. I'm not exactly proud of the years I spent bound to my OCD behaviors. I was a prisoner. It was strange — I felt like a freak. I know it's not politically correct to call myself that, but it's how I felt.I needed to keep my room set

IT HAPPENED TO ME: xoJane Commenters Sent Me to Therapy

Many years ago, I had a pet red-clawed crab named Sandy. One morning I glanced into the aquarium and was stunned to find a second crab sitting at the bottom of the tank. I stared at them in confusion before realizing the extra crab wasn't a crab at all, but a shed exoskeleton. Sandy had molted and

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