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14 подписчиков

IT HAPPENED TO ME: My Brother Was Killed by a Hit-and-Run Driver, And I Didn't Want to Go On Living

My heart beat hot in my ears. That was the only thing I could feel as my life, my perfect little illusion of a life, collapsed in on itself. I knew I should be crying or screaming, but I wasn’t. Instead, words that didn’t make sense left my mouth on repeat: "Stop joking." Over and over again,

I Dropped Out of High School to Vagabond Around the Country with No Technology

Imagine leaving everything — no phones, no car, no home — and traveling across the country on foot while experiencing the world the way it is. Imagine truly living a simple life, not caught up with friend drama on Facebook or politics on Twitter, not worrying about the future, nor reminiscing about

I'm Determined to Kick Seasonal Affective Disorder's Ass and Rock This Winter

Two things I make no secret about dealing with are depression and hatred of cold winter climates, so I remember feeling an odd relief back when I learned that seasonal affective disorder was officially A Thing that had been named and could be addressed.I must admit that that initial relief was in

I Spent 5 Hours at My Desk, Frozen by Anxiety — Oh, You Too? How Do You Deal?

Today was hard. Part of me knew it was going to be hard, thus possibly creating some sort of frustrating, self-fulfilling prophecy of anxiety. Which is the nature of the beast anyway, right? I've been sitting at my desk for some time now — all right, five hours — unable to undo the ...Continue

BoJack Horseman Opened My Eyes to the Realities of Depression

Editor's Note: You'll find mild spoilers for the Netflix show BoJack Horseman below, but also a lot of deep personal truths that make the spoilers worth it (IMHO). -AmberEveryone has a piece of media that they connect with on a "real" level. You could call it your favorite or you could say how

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